The Nencki Institute, together with Pikralida Sp. z o. o. is implementing a project co-financed from the European Funds entitled “Application of a matrix metalloprotease inhibitor to develop an innovative therapeutic method for preventing the development of post-traumatic and post-stroke epilepsy”.
The Project aims to develop a breakthrough therapeutic solution, protecting against the development of post-traumatic and post-stroke epilepsy, based on blocking the process of epileptogenesis by modulating the activity of an enzymatic protein, matrix metalloprotease 9 (MMP-9). The project involves, among others, the development of a technology for the production of active substance and investigational medicinal product, studies of the therapeutic potential of MMP-9 inhibitor in animal models and performance of preclinical and clinical phase I trials. In the Institute, the work will be conducted in the Laboratory of Neurobiology headed by Prof. Leszek Kaczmarek.
Project No POIR.01.01.01-00-0235/20 is implemented under the Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014–2020, Priority axis I “Support for R&D activity of enterprises”, Submeasure 1.1.1 Industrial research and development work implemented by enterprises, in the 3/1.1.1/2020 Fast Track for Mazovia competition held by the National Centre for Research and Development.