Mercedes Benz Manufacturing Poland has chosen the National Centre for Nuclear Research as a partner in materials research concerning the lifecycle of the tools for engine’s mechanical processing. The expertise will be run by the NOMATEN Centre of Excellence team based at the National Centre for Nuclear Research Warsaw capital city. The technological challenge that Mercedes Benz plant in Jawor faces is the heterogeneity of the ceramic tools used in the cylinder honing process, i.e. too fast wear of the tools and the deposition of undesirable residues inside them.  Therefore Mercedes Benz Manufacturing Poland asked NOMATEN Centre of Excellence to perform research and expertise on this topic.


Prof. Łukasz Kurpaska (Functional Properties Research Group Leader) and dr Iwona Jóźwik (Materials Characterization Research Group Leader) will manage the research activities at NOMATEN in orderd to develop the expertise for Mercedes Benz Manufacturing Poland. Moreover, NOMATEN will take advantage on lot of high performance scientific infrastructure like x-ray diffractometer (XRD) and the scanning electron microscope (SEM).


NOMATEN will conduct a series of research activities for Mercedes Benz Manufacturing Poland: among others macroscopic tests of the surface of ceramic elements before and after operation, microstructure tests, chemical and phase composition in selected areas of the tool surface, phase analysis by x-ray diffraction, tests of the surface topography of ceramic elements and mechanical tests of these elements – enumerates prof. Paweł Sobkowicz, director for scientific operations at NOMATEN.


Director Thomas Kaiser, production, maintenance and facility manager at Mercedes Benz Manufacturing Poland, joined the NOMATEN Network of Industrial Advisors. Its’ task is to develop good practices related to the cooperation of companies with research units. Moreover, this team also includes representatives of, among others, chemical, construction and energy industries.


The NOMATEN Centre of Excellence has been created at the Poland’s National Centre for Nuclear Research Poland as a new research organization in which international world-class research teams design, develop and assess innovative multifunctional materials –  combining advanced structural and functional properties – for industrial and medical applications. NOMATEN develops partnerships with the industry and research organizations in order to perform and deploy go-to-market solutions in the field of innovative materials and radiopharmaceuticals. NOMATEN develops strong partnerships with French atomic and renewables government agency CEA and VTT Technical Institute of Finland. Last but not least, NOMATEN received the funding in the framework of Horizon 2020-Teaming Programme by European Commission and International Research Agendas + (MAB+) Programme by the Foundation for Polish Science.