Student – a person with the status of a 1st – 2nd-cycle student (or equivalent) participating in the IRAP project.
PhD student – a person with the status of student of 3rd cycle studies or an equivalent programme who participates in the IRAP project under the supervision of a research group leader.
Students selected in the competition receive personal scholarships. PhD students may become team members on the basis of either a scholarship or an employment contract. The amount of scholarships are proposed by the Project Manager in consultation with the team leader.
PhD students engaged in the project on a stipend basis have the possibility to receive scholarship within the doctoral school and a supplement up to the stipend amount provided for in the Competition Documentation of the programme concerned within the framework of named research fellowships in the project. In case the doctoral school can increase the number of PhD students beyond the number resulting from the availability of national funds for doctoral education, the doctoral school may cover the PhD scholarship and its supplement up to the amount envisaged in the IRAP Competition Documentation from the IRAP project funds.
Individual research stipend agreements for students and PhD students are paid on the basis of agreements concluded at the request of the Project Manager between the Foundation, the Project Manager and the student or PhD student.