Recruitment of:
Recruitment is considered correct when:
- The recruitment announcement was sent to FNP
- The approved announcement was published on EURAXESS website (it does not have to concern students)
- The announcement with the link to EURAXESS was sent to FNP
- The leader of the group for which recruitment is taking place has appointed a committee of at least two people to carry out the recruitment
- The FNP was informed at least one week in advance of the scheduled date of the interview
- Recruitment took place
- The protocol was uploaded to the FNP database
- The protocol was accepted by the FNP Programme Officer
Recruitment is considered correct when:
- The recruitment announcement was consulted with ISC
- The date of the interviews has been set with ISC (in order to allow as many people as possible to come in person – the date should be set at least 6 months earlier than the date of the planned interview)
- The recruitment announcement has been sent to FNP
- The approved announcement was published on EURAXESS website
- The announcement with the link to EURAXESS was sent to FNP
- The advertisement was sent about ISC members in order to use their network of contacts to promote the job offer for the position (it is recommended to promote the advertisement as widely as possible)
- FNP was informed at least three weeks in advance of the scheduled date of the interview
- The IST conducts recruitment according to the criteria it has adopted/established, ensuring that at least one of these criteria should relate to the candidate’s past scientific achievements and whether the candidate represents the level that characterizes ERC laureates.
- The protocol was uploaded to the FNP database
- The protocol was accepted by the FNP Board
Recruitment is considered efficiently carried out when:
A written request in English was sent to the FNP Programme Officer and included:
- CV of the candidate
- Justification of the need for the specific skills/knowledge of the individual resulting from the need for the IRAP unit to acquire the necessary R&D competencies, e.g., in the operation of advanced research equipment or specific technology.
Recruitment of:
Recruitment is considered correct when:
- The approved announcement was published on EURAXESS website (it does not have to concern students)
- The announcement with the link to EURAXESS was sent to FNP
- The leader of the group for which recruitment is taking place has appointed a committee of at least two people to carry out the recruitment
- The FNP was informed at least one week in advance of the scheduled date of the interview
- Recruitment took place
- The protocol was uploaded to the FNP database
- The protocol was accepted by the FNP Programme Officer
Recruitment is considered correct when:
- The recruitment announcement was consulted with ISC
- The date of the interviews has been set with ISC (in order to allow as many people as possible to come in person – the date should be set at least 6 months earlier than the date of the planned interview)
- The recruitment announcement has been sent to FNP
- The approved announcement was published on EURAXESS website
- The announcement with the link to EURAXESS was sent to FNP
- The advertisement was sent about ISC members in order to use their network of contacts to promote the job offer for the position (it is recommended to promote the advertisement as widely as possible)
- FNP was informed at least three weeks in advance of the scheduled date of the interview
- The IST conducts recruitment according to the criteria it has adopted/established, ensuring that at least one of these criteria should relate to the candidate’s past scientific achievements and whether the candidate represents the level that characterizes ERC laureates.
- The protocol was uploaded to the FNP database
- The protocol was accepted by the FNP Board
Recruitment is considered correct when:
A written request in English was sent to the FNP Programme Officer and included:
- CV of the candidate
- Justification of the need for the specific skills/knowledge of the individual resulting from the need for the IRAP unit to acquire the necessary R&D competencies, e.g., in the operation of advanced research equipment or specific technology.
If employed:
- The ISC has approved the engagement of the invited researcher for a period not exceeding 6 months.
- The researcher in question has not previously been employed as a visiting researcher.
- Employment should be related to a specific research task or expert collaboration with one or more research groups working in the IRAP unit.
- Information about the individual researcher employed was entered into the FNP database.
If employed:
- The ISC has approved the engagement of the invited researcher for a period not exceeding 6 months.
- The researcher in question has not previously been employed as a visiting researcher.
- Employment should be related to a specific research task or expert collaboration with one or more research groups working in the IRAP unit.
- Information about the individual researcher employed was entered into the FNP database.
- MKN pozytywnie zaopiniował zatrudnienie naukowca wizytującego na okres nie dłuższy niż 6 miesięcy.
- Dany naukowiec nie był wcześniej zatrudniony w trybie przewidzianym dla naukowców samodzielnych? indywidualnych.
- Zatrudnienie powinno być związane np. z realizacją konkretnego zadania badawczego lub współpracą ekspercką z jedną lub kilkoma grupami badawczymi pracującymi w jednostce MAB.
- Informacje o zatrudnionym naukowcu indywidualnym została wprowadzona do systemu elektronicznego FNP.
Protocol information:
- Information on competition announcements
- Information on selection criteria and closing dates
- List of candidates and their affiliations
- The scores obtained by the candidates with justifications
- An approved sample announcement
Protocol information:
- Information on competition announcements
- Information on selection criteria and closing dates
- List of candidates and their affiliations
- The scores obtained by the candidates with justifications
- An approved sample announcement