Principles regarding the promotion of projects funded from EU structural funds as part of the Smart Growth Operational Programme (SG OP) – Information for grantees
Please note that for FNP laureates who have signed agreements with a date of 01/01/2018, new visual identification rules apply: see sections below for more information.
Below, you will find:
- “The Information and Promotion Guide for Applicants and Beneficiaries of the 2014-2020 Cohesion Policy Programmes” developed by the Polish Ministry of Development, which includes tips for beneficiaries on fulfilling their informational and promotional obligations;
- Sets of logotypes for correct project identification;
- FNP, Republic of Poland and European Union logos;
- Marking templates for equipment purchased as part of the project and for project documentation binders;
- Job offer forms;
- Model information boards and posters;
- Information to be displayed in publications.
1. The Information and Promotion Guide for Applicants and Beneficiaries of the 2014–2020 Cohesion Policy Programmes (Smart Growth Operational Programme – SG OP). Polish-language only.
Agreements signed since 01.01.2018:
Pobierz podręcznik
(aktualizacja z dn.08.06.2021 r. w związku z pojawieniem się instrumentu REACT-EU)
Agreements signed before 31.12.2017:
Pobierz podręcznik
2. Sets of logotypes for correct project identification
Agreements signed since 01.01.2018:
This set of four logos (of the European Funds, Republic of Poland, FNP and the European Regional Development Fund) should be displayed on all materials and documents regarding the project – on the project information website as well as on informational and promotional materials, such as leaflets, brochures, press resources, etc. (for more detailed information, please consult the guide for applicants and beneficiaries: download.
Agreements signed before 31.12.2017:
This set of three logos (of the European Funds, FNP and the European Regional Development Fund) should be displayed on all materials and documents regarding the project – on the project information website as well as on informational and promotional materials, such as leaflets, brochures, press resources, etc. (for more detailed information, please consult the guide for applicants and beneficiaries or contact Ms. Marta Michalska-Bugajska at
Zobacz przykład realizacji i oznakowania strony internetowej projektu prowadzonego w ramach programu POWROTY PO IR (dr Alicja Babst-Kostecka, projekt pt. AriaDNA. Adaptation of Arabidopsis halleri to metal-polluted soils: linking environmental, genomic, and phenotypic information): link (contract signed before 31.12.2017).
3. FNP and European Union logos
Note: RP colors apply only to full-color materials. Monochrome and achromatic RP colors cannot be used.
4. Marking templates for equipment purchased as part of the project and for project documentation binders
All equipment purchased as part of the project should feature stickers with a set of logos and the following information: “Equipment/device co-financed from European Union funds as part of the European Regional Development Fund”.
All binders for storing documentation should also be marked with stickers featuring the set of logos, along with the following phrase: “Documentation for project no. …….” and the phrase: “Project carried out within the … programme of the Foundation for Polish Science, co-financed by the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund”.
Agreements signed since 01.01.2018 (for more detailed information, please consult the guide for applicants and beneficiaries: download.
Agreements signed before 31.12.2017:
5. Job offer forms
A grantee who recruits candidates for a specific position is required to submit two job offer forms to the Foundation. The forms, in Polish and in English language versions, will then be published in the website tab listing jobs offered in research projects. Please fill out the recruitment offer forms (below) and send them to the coordinator of the programme of which you are a laureate.
Due to the entry into force of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, we also require that your job advertisements include a clause requesting the candidate’s consent to the processing of his or her personal data by the institution which carries out the recruitment process.
Agreements signed since 01.01.2018:
Agreements signed before 31.12.2017:
6. Model information boards and posters
Grantees are required to display a 70 cm (width) x 50 cm (height) information and commemorative board (which will provide information to the public during project implementation and which will serve as a commemorative board once the project is completed and throughout its sustainability period). All information regarding the boards, including samples, can be found in the Guide on pages 13-15: download – in case of agreements signed before 31.12.2017 and on pages 15-18: download – in case of agreements signed since 01.01.2018.
The board should be displayed within two months of the date when the agreement with FNP is signed, in a clearly visible location at the project implementation site. If the project is implemented in more than one location, appropriate markings should be displayed in all of those, but in the case of additional locations it is sufficient to display a poster of at least A3 size sample posters and relevant information can be found in the Guide on pages 16-17 – in case of agreements signed before 31.12.2017: download and on pages 18-19 – in case of agreements signed since 01.01.2018: download.
The board must include:
- in case of agreements signed since 01.01.2018 – a set of logotypes, including the EU, Republic of Poland and FNP logos (sample markings can be found on p. 25 in the Guide: download) – the number of markings in the set must not exceed four,
- in case of agreements signed before 31.12.2017 – a set of logotypes, including the EU and FNP logos. You can also feature your own logo on the board (i.e. the institution/beneficiary logo; sample markings can be found on p. 22 in the Guide: download) – but the number of markings in the set must not exceed four,
- the information: “Programme … of the Foundation for Polish Science”,
- project name,
- project purpose,
- name of beneficiary,
- website address:,
- for projects implemented by consortia, state the name of the consortium leader and the consortium member in the “Beneficiary” field.
A poster is understood to mean a printed paper sheet of at least A3 size (297 x 420 mm).
The poster must include:
- project name,
- name of beneficiary,
- the information: “Programme … of the Foundation for Polish Science”,
- a set of logotypes:
- in case of agreements signed since 01.01.2018 – a set of logotypes, including the EU, Republic of Poland and FNP logos (sample markings can be found on p. 25 in the Guide: download) – the number of markings in the set must not exceed four,
- in case of agreements signed before 31.12.2017 – a set of logotypes, including the EU and FNP logos. You can also feature your own logo on the board (i.e. the institution/beneficiary logo; sample markings can be found on p. 22 in the Guide: download) – but the number of markings in the set must not exceed four,
- project purpose (optional),
- the amount contributed to the project by the European Union (optional),
- website address: (optional).
7. Information to be displayed in publications
Beneficiaries are obliged to display information about project funding sources in their publications.
Suggested Polish version:
“Projekt XXX jest realizowany w ramach programu YYY Fundacji na rzecz Nauki Polskiej współfinansowanego przez Unię Europejską z Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego”.
Suggested English version:
The “XXX” project is carried out within the YYY programme of the Foundation for Polish Science co-financed by the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund.
8. Articles/releases, press, radio and television interviews, and utterances in the media
In any information provided to the media (both orally and in writing), and during any interviews, press conferences or public utterances, it is the beneficiary/grant recipient’s obligation to inform the public about the source of financing of the implemented project.
The XXX project is implemented as part of the YYY programme of the Foundation for Polish Science, co-financed from EU resources, obtained from the European Regional Development Fund under the Smart Growth Operational Programme.