Laboratory of RNA Biology
Prof. Magda Konarska received a PhD at the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics PAS with prof. Witold Filipowicz and post-doctoral training with prof. Phillip A. Sharp at MIT, for over 25 years she led a Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at the Rockefeller University in New York. In 2015, she formed a Laboratory of RNA Biology at CeNT UW which was then transferred to IMol PAS. She is a corresponding member of PAS and a member of EMBO and Academia Europaea.
Research in the Konarska lab focuses on mechanisms of action of the spliceosome, a complex molecular machine responsible for pre-mRNA splicing. The work focuses on the study of dynamic interactions inside the spliceosome during splicing catalysis, influencing the location of the splicing sites in the active center, and thus determining the specificity of splicing. These studies help to understand the molecular basis of the course of alternative splicing typical of higher eukaryotes.