Foundational Underpinnings of Quantum Technologies group
Dr. Sainz’s research focuses on developing an operational understanding of the nonclassical features of Nature (such as Bell non-classicality), tailored at their role as resources for information processing. Her long term vision is to develop an understanding of the possibilities and limitations of quantum resources for technological applications. Postdoctoral experience: Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics (Canada), University of Bristol (UK), and ICFO (Spain). (
We strive to understand the nonclassical phenomena featured in Nature, and how to harness their power to enable new forms of information processing. Our goal is to assess the landscape of nonclassical physical theories –which may supersede quantum theory– and their impact on technological developments. Our research lines are:
- Discovering a theory beyond quantum
- Characterising quantum phenomena
- Harnessing nonclassicality for information processing
- Developing the foundations for quantum software (