
From gene expression to behavior – a novel role of SRF protein controlling gene expression in the regulation of social behavior.
From gene expression to behavior – a novel role of SRF protein controlling gene expression in the regulation of social behavior.

Doctor Matylda Roszkowska and Anna Krysiak, M.Sc. together with the research team working under the supervision of Professor Katarzyna Kalita showed a novel link between disturbances in the process of retrieving the information encoded in genes, and abnormal social behavior in the adulthood.   – Neurodevelopmental disorders such as Autism Spectrum Disorders, ADHD, or schizophrenia belong to the complex group of disorders
Alleviating autism: one symptom at the time
Alleviating autism: one symptom at the time

Doctor Alicja Puścian and the team conducting research under the supervision of Professor Ewelina Knapska at the BRAINCITY Center of Excellence for Neural Plasticity and Brain Disorders at the Nencki Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences showed that experimental therapy targeted at the specific symptoms of autism is not only possible, but also effective. – Autism, or more
Research and development collaboration between the Nencki Institute and Pikralida Sp. z o. o.
Research and development collaboration between the Nencki Institute and Pikralida Sp. z o. o.

The Nencki Institute, together with  Pikralida Sp. z o. o.  is implementing a project co-financed from the European Funds entitled "Application of a matrix metalloprotease inhibitor to develop an innovative therapeutic method for preventing the development of post-traumatic and post-stroke epilepsy".The ...