The aim of the International Research Agendas programme is to enable the creation of research organizations (scientific units), which are led by scientists with considerable experience in science management as well as their own area of expertise, which will have international teams of renowned scientists from different fields who will conduct research in order to solve a specific global scientific challenge.
The total amount committed for the International Research Agendas programme under the Smart Growth Operational Programme (Measure 4.3) is about EUR 126 million.
Project funding includes:
Research centres implementing the International Research Agendas programme is conducting their R&D work in line with a pre-approved research agenda that defines a scientific challenge and a means of addressing it.
The International Research Agenda Programme, in particular the IRAP PLUS module, serves also as a support of the projects carried out under the Teaming competition, which constitutes one of the activities under the Horizon 2020 EU Framework Programme.
In contrary to the classical iteration of the IRAP Programme, which is defined by a 5-year implementation period (with the possibility of extension until the end of 2023), in the IRAP PLUS module the project implementation period consist of two distinct stages: